The Great Crossing of Wallonia by Bike

Highlights :

Highlights :

  • the green landscapes all along the route
  • Dinant, the cradle of the saxophone, beautifully nestled on the banks of the Meuse
  • the castles and citadels, witnesses of the eventful history of the region
  • Orval, for its remarkable abbey… and its famous Trappist beer
  • typical villages: Celles, Bouillon, Chassepierre, Torgny, … 
  • a route almost entirely on quiet backroads

From 889 € / pers.

Once upon a time there was a country straight out of a surrealist comic book. With a passion for fries, a thirst for good beer that only the monks know the recipe for (in the cloisters, silence is golden!), a communicable "joie de vivre" and a slightly offbeat sense of humour, its inhabitants seem to have understood how to stay positive when the weather corresponds to the reputation it is given. Fortunately, it doesn't rain as often as we sometimes fear, and that's just as well, because the country has some enchanting landscapes that reveal themselves to travellers who happen to get lost there! Welcome to Belgium!

The journey we are presenting you here is an invitation to discover the prodigious diversity of Wallonia. This region, roughly forming the southern half of the country and being mainly French-speaking, is still relatively unknown to travellers, unlike Flanders which collects cities with an international aura such as Bruges or Ghent, and which therefore attract crowds. Wallonia is however reputed to offer the most beautiful landscapes of the country, because it not only has the advantage of being much less urbanized than Flanders, but is also, with its green meadows and its vast forests, a region which has the art of surprising the traveler with its wild beauty. On the cultural side, this trip will be a “deep” immersion in Belgium, far from the cosmopolitan cities, where a certain authenticity still reigns in customs. Belgium obviously canoot be dissociated of good beers, and this route will thus make you discover some high places of the national drink, such as Leffe, Rochefort or Orval! But besides those world famous beers, Wallonia hosts countless microbreweries, which are an integral part of the region! This itineray is finally a route of the heart, because being Belgian ourselves, it is always with emotion that we present these landscapes which rocked our childhood.

This route will take you gradually from the Meuse valley, where you will have the opportunity to visit the pretty river towns of Namur - capital of Wallonia - and Dinant, as well as Torgny, the southernmost village of the country, and which, with its vineyards, sunny microclimate, yellow stone houses and cicadas is nicknamed the “Little Belgian Provence”. Between these two regions, you will cross no less than four sumptuous natural regions. Once you leave the Meuse Valley, you first arrive in the Condroz, where you cycle through a landscape of gently undulating hills. Then you are in Famenne, a region known for its karstic formations, where you will also have the opportunity to explore the cave of Han, one of the most beautiful in Europe. You then take an old railway transformed into a cycle path to climb up to the Massif de l'Ardenne, where the landscapes alternates between beautiful forests, small stone villages and pastures where a few impassive cows usually graze. After passing the medieval city of Bouillon, you finally reach Gaume, a verdant region with a more southern air and typical architecture.

Bon voyage !

Day 1: Arrival in Namur

By train or by car, reach the city of Namur, located at the confluence of the Meuse and the Sambre. Although it is the capital of Wallonia, Namur has nevertheless managed to preserve a certain "douceur de vivre", which is renowned throughout the country! The two rivers undoubtedly contribute fully to the relaxed atmosphere of the city. The city centre is best explored on foot, giving you time to admire its rich historical heritage. Its belfry is listed by UNESCO.

Day 2: Namur - Dinant (31/55/68 km (19/34/42 mi) - Elevation gain : 100/480/710 m (328/1575/2329 ft))

Three routes are possible to reach Dinant, and we let you decide according to your level of motivation and your interests. You can either go peacefully up the river to Dinant by following an old towpath, or take a few detours from time to time in the surrounding valleys, making you discover some beautiful villages along the way, such as Crupet, Sosoye or Falaën. Less than a kilometer from the river, horticulture enthusiasts will not miss the enchanting gardens of Annevoie, whose water games have made famous.

At the end of the day, you reach the pleasant river town of Dinant. Often featured in tourist brochures promoting Wallonia, Dinant is nestled in an impressive natural setting, embedded in a narrow strip of land between the Meuse and vertiginous rock faces. Destroyed many times, Dinant has nevertheless managed to retain a certain charm of yesteryear, with the emblematic bulbous bell tower of its collegiate church, its citadel at the top of the cliff, its slate roofs, or its relaxed atmosphere, almost out of time. But Dinant is also famous today as the capital of the saxophone, the city having seen the growth of Adolphe Sax, the inventor of the famous instrument.

Day 3: Dinant - Rochefort (42 km/26 mi - Elevation gain : 580 m/1903 ft)

Objective of the day: Rochefort! What could be better than a beer among the best in the world as a destination to motivate yourself? If that does not make you thirsty, rest assured, Rochefort is ultimately above all a small rural town lost in the middle of a bucolic landscape.
The route first takes you to the castle of Walzin, which, perched on its eagle's nest above the Lesse, is nicknamed the "Belgian Neuschwanstein"! The route then leaves the Lesse valley to reach the Condroz plateau, a beautiful rural region which will take you through some magnificent stone villages on the way, such as Furfooz and Celles. Around a bend, you will also see the castle of Vêves, which stands proudly above a promontory. Its 4 pencil-shaped angular towers give it a very romantic style!
You then gradually descend from the Condroz plateau to arrive in the Famenne area, a natural and flat depression, making you believe for a moment that the "flat country" nickname is not so overused.

Day 4: Rochefort - Paliseul (44 km/27 mi - Elevation gain : 530 m/1739 ft)

You leave the Famenne by crossing the Calestienne, a narrow limestone strip which has given rise to impressive underground cavities. Among them, the most beautiful of all, the caves of Han, will certainly lure you as the route passes right next to it! These internationally renowned caves contain stalactites, stalagmites and other rock concretions in a breathtaking mineral setting, which you can discover through an underground route of about 2 kilometers (1,2 mi).
You are then at the foot of the Ardenne massif, where vast forests and green pastures pleasantly alternate. An old railway line transformed into a greenway (a "Ravel", as we say here) allows you to gain altitude very gently. Once on the heights, it sometimes goes up and down a little, but each horizon crossed fortunately rewards the passing cyclist with a constantly renewed magical landscape.
A few cows further on, you arrive at the quiet village of Paliseul, nestled in the middle of a landscape of expansive meadows.

Day 5: Paliseul - Chassepierre (48 km/30 mi - Elevation gain : 610 m/2001 ft)

After a few kilometres, a vast geological fault suddenly cuts deeply into the Ardennes massif: the Semois valley. A point of view overlooking this river bears witness to the difficulty with which it makes its way, this one having a course that could not be more sinuous. The Giant's Tomb viewpoint reveals a magnificent view of one of its largest meanders. Then at the bottom, you follow the Semois through a landscape that could not be more bucolic. The Cistercian abbey of Clairefontaine is idyllically located in the heart of this valley. You then reach the medieval town of Bouillon, whose famous fortress stands at the top of a rocky ridge located in the middle of a meander. It is here that lived the famous Godefroid de Bouillon, who was at the origin of the first crusade towards Jerusalem. Today, his former home can be visited and you will learn a lot about life at the time.
Its cute town center will certainly be a pretext for a gourmet break, calories that you will need anyway because leaving the Semois valley is not possible without a good climb. After crossing a large forest, you then leave the Ardennes massif for good to arrive in the picturesque region of Gaume, whose gentle undulating hills are sometimes somewhat reminiscent of Tuscany. The architectural style of the villages is also quite different here, suggesting a different geology.
At the end of the day, you reach the village of Chassepierre, which looks like a postcard and is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful villages in Wallonia!

Day 6: Chassepierre - Torgny // Namur (48 km/30 mi - Elevation gain : 410 m/1345 ft)

A place emblematic of the country's brewing wealth will punctuate the day: Orval. Nestled deep in a deep forest, the Cistercian abbey where the probably most famous Trappist beer in the world is brewed forms a surprising architectural ensemble. The abbey, whose visit is essential, will take you back in history to the 11th century. Barely a few kilometers further on, the GenGoulf micro-brewery has once again offered an excuse to stop off for those who still have a little thirst!
Twenty kilometres further on, beer gives way to wine: you arrive in Torgny, a village with a Mediterranean feel, whose mild and sunny microclimate makes it possible to grow vines on the surrounding hillsides! This specificity has earned it the nickname of "Little Belgian Provence". It is not surprising that this is the southernmost point of Belgium!

The meeting point in the late afternoon with one of our drivers will be at the café on the central square of Torgny, to take you back to Namur with his vehicle. A drink is offered to you to toast on your arrival at the end of your Belgian adventure.

Day 7: end of the tour

End of the tour after breakfast. Additional nights in Namur are possible.

Bon voyage !
  1. Duration: 7 days and 6 nights. 5 days of cycling.

  2. Minimum age: 12 years old

  3. Seasonality: from April 15 to October 31

    Spring is generally a good season, although a cooler wave cannot be ruled out at the start of the season.

    In summer, the climate is the best, and thanks to the many forests and the relative altitude of the Ardennes massif, the few degrees lower than in the plains sometimes bring a little welcome freshness.

    The beginning of autumn is generally also a pleasant period. Until around mid-October, the temperatures are mostly mild, and the trees begin to form a patchwork of colors at this time. Special mention for the larches which, numerous in the region, begin to take on their golden hue around the second ten days of October!

    Between November and March, the cold sets in, plunging nature into a lethargy that it will never leave until the arrival of fine weather.

    Note: the weather is subject to strong variations from one year to another. The information described above are only averages.

  4. Days of arrival on site:

    Sunday. In July and August, arrivals can also be on Saturdays.
    First day of cycling is thus Monday (also on Sunday during the summer holidays)

  5. Arrival and return:

    • Start of the tour: Namur

    • End of the tour: Namur

    • Even if this tour doesn't make a loop, we organise, on Day 6, a transfer to Namur from Torgny in the late afternoon (included in the price). You sleep thus in Namur on the last night.

    • from Brussels IC trains depart every hours '03 to Namur (1h11 journey).

      from other important cities: if you're coming from the East (Limburg, Germany,...) there is also a direct train coming from Liège (Luik/Lüttich). The journey takes about 45 min.

      The IC train between Brussels and Namur does not require advance purchase. Be careful, however, to buy a bike supplement if you have your own bike. These cost €4 each way, regardless of the distance travelled.

    • All times are subject to change.

    • More information:

    To reach Namur from Brussels, count around 45 min.

    To return to the starting point of the tour, we organize a return transfer in the late afternoon of Day 6 (included in the price).

  6. Parking :

    Our roadbook will inform you about paid and free car parks where you can leave your car during your bike trip.

  7. Rendezvous:

    The first cycling day is on Monday (also on Sundays during the summer). A member of our local team will come and deliver your bikes in the morning of Day 2 at your accommodation or another agreed location.

  8. Type of route:

    Itinerant (linear).

  9. Supervision:

    Self-guided, with telephone assistance in case of mechanical issues. To navigate, you will have a detailed roadbook, as well as GPS tracks of the route via an easy-to-use navigation app. As the navigation is satellite-based, no internet connection is required.

  10. Level: medium to challenging (unless with an e-bike)

    • Elevation changes: There are some ascents and descents during the tour, but the climbs are mostly quite gradual. Some climbs are a little more tough, like when quitting the Semois valley, where there is an ascent of ca. 200 m (660 ft). The travelers that only cycle occasionally may opt for an electric bike.

    • Length of the stages: around 40-55 km (25-35 mi), giving you plenty of time to make lots of stops along the way.

    • Terrain: over 85 % paved roads. Some compact gravel tracks, not requiring MTB tires.

    Information regarding the stages is summarized in below table.

    1 km = 1.609 mile (30 miles = 48 km)

    1 m = 3.28 ft (1,500 ft = 457 m)

    Table 1: Distances and altitude differences
    Stage Option Distance (km) Elevation gain (m) Drop (m) Estimated time
    Day 1 Arrival in Namur
    Day 2 (stage 1)
    Namur - Dinant
    Relax 31 100 90 1h52
    Normal 55 480 470 3h29
    Sporty 68 710 700 4h20
    Day 3 (stage 2)
    Dinant - Rochefort
    Normal 42 580 490 3h07
    Day 4 (stage 3)
    Rochefort - Paliseul
    Normal 44 530 300 3h06
    Day 5 (stage 4)
    Paliseul - Chassepierre
    Normal 48 610 720 3h20
    Day 6 (stage 5)
    Chassepierre - Torgny // Namur
    Normal 48 410 490 3h09
    Day 7 End of the tour

  11. Accommodation:

    Most accommodations are boutique hotels or B&B and when in cities, they're located in the historical centre or at walking distance from them.

    Two accommodation options are proposed on this tour :

    Standard category: 3* hotels or guest rooms with equivalent comfort.

    Comfort+ category: 3-4* hotels or guest rooms with equivalent comfort.

    Whichever option you choose, the accommodations have all the comforts you need for a good night's sleep! All rooms have an ensuite bathroom and all accommodations have some space to store your bicycles.

  12. Meals:

    Breakfasts are always included. Lunch and dinner are not included. During the day, you can eat in the local restaurants (you will find daily suggestions in our roadbook) or have a picnic by refueling in the supermarkets.
    Half board is not available on this trip but you will still have a few restaurants within walking distance of your accommodation if the latter doesn't have got his own one.

  13. Luggage transport:

    You only carry your day's belongings during the cycling stages. Your luggage is transported from one accommodation to another by us, you find them at the end of the day at your accommodation. It is also possible to carry your belongings with you in side panniers, as long-distance cyclists do. In this case, you get a discount.

  14. Travel Documents:

    A detailed roadbook (Dutch or English), a topographical map of the route and GPS tracks (via our navigation app) will be sent to you before your departure.

    The roadbook, which you'll also receive in hard copy, contains not only a description of the route, but also a wealth of tourist and cultural information, restaurant suggestions and places to buy food along the way.

  15. Bicycles:

    We offer quality bikes for hire, fully equipped and adapted to the type of terrain.

    Equipment includes a smartphone holder, a waterproof pannier, a lock, a repair set and (on request) a helmet.

    An electric bike can be hired for this trip.

    If you wish to bring your own bike, remember to check all the parts of the bike beforehand (wear and tear of brakes, tyres, sprockets, chain, etc.) to ensure that it is in technical order for a ride of 250 km (ca. 150 miles). The bikes suitable for this trip are trekking bikes (hybrid bikes), mountain bikes, gravel bikes and e-bikes. Road bikes (tyres too thin for the gravel sections) and city bikes (insufficient number of gears) are not suitable.

  16. Cancellation and assistance insurances:

    In order to guarantee reimbursement of costs in the event of cancellation of your stay or in the event of problems (e.g. health, accident, theft, lost luggage, ...) during the trip, you can opt for a cancellation (CAP Explorer - premium cancellation) and/or assistance insurance (CAP Exporer - premium assistance). To learn more about our proposed insurances, click more info or ask us.

The price of the tour and the bike rentals is given in below tables:

Low season
(Apr-Jun, Sep-Oct)
High season
Base price per person 889 € 929 €
Single room supplement 320 € 340 €
Accommodation category: comfort+ +130 € / person
Child discount (0-3 / 12-17 y.o.) -80% / -30%
Large group discount ( 3+ / 5+ / 7+ people) -5% / -10% / -15%

Trekking bike (adult / child)* 210 € / 180 €
Electric bike* 290 €

* Note: the price includes delivery and pick-up of the bikes, and standard equipment.

The base price includes:
  • A detailed roadbook in English or Dutch, produced by us during our scouting trip (Paper booklet + PDF)
  • The GPS tracks of the route via our navigation app
  • A topographic map of the tour
  • 6 nights in 3* hotels or equivalent guesthouses
  • 6 breakfasts
  • The transport of your luggage between the accommodations
  • Luggage tags
  • Assistance in the event of a mechanical problem
  • The transfer between Torgny and Namur at the end of the bike trip (Day 6)
  • Tourist taxes
  • Registration fees
Possible options:
  • Rental of touring or electric bike
  • The single room supplement
  • The comfort+ supplement (superior accomodation)
  • Additional nights in Namur
  • Optional insurance: cancellation and/or assistance
The price does not include:
  • The trip from your home to the meeting point, as well as your journey back home.
  • Lunch and evening meals
  • Your personal expenses
  • Visits other than those included in the program.
  • Anything not listed in “the price includes”
  • If you wish to transport your luggage yourself from one accommodation to another, in this case you benefit from a discount (90 € per person for a group of 2). An additional bag will then be provided to you. Be careful though, on the hill, you may struggle a little if you don't have electric bikes!
  • Children and large groups benefit from discounts (see above tables). The children discounts apply if there are at least 2 adults and that the family stays in family rooms (rooms with 3 or more beds) when available.
  • A 'solo traveller' supplement of 180 € is counted for individuals doing this tour alone.

    Paul and Catherine, 61 and 63 years old

"Traveling through your own region by bike and realizing that you don't know anything at all, that's the whole point of this trip! What a nice surprise also to see that there are so many beautiful places here! The Cyclodyssées roadbook was of great interest to us, a real plus compared to our previous trips that we had organized alone. Not to mention that there are small roads that we would never have dared to take if we had had the choice. Looking forward to riding another one of your circuits next summer!"  September 2022

    Gabriel and Marie, 29 & 30 years old

"A dream week out of time!!! A journey across all of Wallonia that was simply incredible. Both the accommodations and the landscapes pleased us and left us with memories for a long time. In terms of organization, everything was clear and well explained, which allowed us to truly relax and enjoy. Joseph is both very professional and cheerful, making communication very pleasant. I highly recommend this agency, and as for me, I wouldn't hesitate for a second to go on another trip with Cyclodyssées. Bon voyage!"  September 2023